Monday, November 21, 2011

That's So Special --

I don't take credit for this, but I thought it was great and wanted to share. To all the moms of children with special needs.

Regular moms know the names of all their friends. Special needs moms know most of their friends by their username. 

Regular moms judge other moms when kids have tantrums in stores. Special needs moms say to themselves, “Hmm, I wonder which disability he has?” 

Regular moms’ kids have a teacher. Special needs moms’ kids have a team. 

Regular moms talk about accomplishments. Special needs moms talk...about skills, as in play skills, conversation skills, life skills, social skills and vocational skills. 

Regular moms go out for dinner and a movie with their husbands every month. Special needs moms have a date night with their husbands every…wait, what decade is this? 

Regular moms meet for a ladies night out. Special needs moms get together at support groups and forums. 

Regular moms think OT means overtime. Special needs moms know more acronyms than a NASA engineer. 

Regular moms complain their husbands sit on the couch and watch TV while they do all the work. Special needs moms...well how about that? Some things do stay the same! 

(Just kidding dads, we know you do your part!)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

What Kind of Contest?

So, my mother (who is 85) lives in a senior (over 55) residence facility. They had their Halloween party last night. They wore costumes and played games. Oh, and she told me they had a "wet t-shirt" contest! 

While I was quietly pondering those images and wondering what I was going to say next, she said, "yes they rolled up wet t-shirts and you were supposed to see how far you could throw them!" ... Whew!